41 sew on woven name labels
Sew on Name Labels, Woven & Printed Sew on Name Tags for Clothing Woven Sew-on labels 1. Printed Sew on labels: Our Printed Sew in range comes in 3 different sizes, Small 46 x 12 mm, Medium 75 x 12 mm and Large 75 x 38 mm. Made from a specially formulated nylon fabric that doesn't heat up next to the skin, it is smooth to touch and kind to sensitive skin. Sew On Woven Labels - Name It Labels Sew On Woven Labels $39.00 (4 reviews) Write a Review Description Gorgeous embroidered Sew-On Woven Labels These are made the old-fashioned way on the beautiful old looms. Quality labels that will last and are easy to hand sew. Key Information: Soft to feel - the material is made up of woven polyester and nylon
Personalised Sew In Labels - GB Name Tapes Woven Name Tapes - Sew In from £3.99 Details Dispatch Reviews Woven sew on name tapes for sewing into clothing. Suitable for school children and for use in care homes. 100% woven polyester labels made on site and sent fast. Traditional sew in name tapes are the original and most secure method for labelling clothing.
Sew on woven name labels
Custom Woven Labels for Clothing » Order online - Wunderlabel Woven name tags, whether it's sew on or iron on, are also incredibly useful at daycare, in schools or for nursing homes to label a loved one's possessions. This will ensure that all clothing items find their way back to their rightful owner! Attaching your woven label is super easy. How to Sew Woven Labels - Sarah Hearts All the labels intended to be sewn into seams can also be turned into a little label patch. Fold the top edges down and give them a good press with a hot iron. Then use a straight stitch to edge stitch along all sides. Sew on top of a finished project Sew along the short sides with a straight stitch This is the most common way to sew these labels. Woven White Sew on| Name Labels |USA Woven labels take 14-18 days to produce in a rush try printed sew-on labels Woven White Sew on Label 0.4" or 1.0 cm width (Length according to the number of characters used) $19.95 1. Number Of Labels 72 labels 144 labels 288 labels 432 labels 720 labels 864 labels 2. Personalize 3. Choose Your Font 4. Text Color Quantity Add to Cart In stock
Sew on woven name labels. Sew On Clothing Name Tags, Printed, Woven Labels - Nursing Home Label Co Our sew on name labels & name tags are perfect for laundry & clothing in nursing homes. Withstand high temperature washes. Fast Delivery Free over $25 ... Woven White Sew on Label. 0.4" or 1.0 cm width (Length according to the number of characters used) From $17.95 (inc. VAT) $17.95 (ex. VAT) Woven Sew In labels | Stick On | Label | Pack - namelabelco Woven Sew In and Variety Pack (White Labels) Woven Sew In and Variety Pack (White Labels) 72 Woven Labels and 22 Variety Stick On Labels From £14.99 (inc. VAT) £12.49 (ex. VAT) 1. Choose the colour scheme of your pack Black Blue Green Red 2. Personalise 3. Label Text Style Arial 4. Add 6 Sets of Shoe Labels (£5.99) No thank you Sew On Labels - The Name Label Co Choose between Printed sew on labels or Embroidered-Woven Labels. 100 Blank Sew on labels. 3.0" x 0.5" or 7.5 cm x 1.2 cm From $12.95 (inc. VAT) $12.95 (ex. VAT) ... The Name Label Co was born out of that time old need to identify your clothes and personal possessions so they don't go missing. Woven Sew-on Name Tapes - Woven Labels UK Product Description Woven sew in name tapes are the traditional, long lasting method of identifying clothing. Easily sewn into any garment, the name tapes will allow fast identification of misplaced clothing. These are supplied on a roll, ready to cut and sew-in. Click Here for the Hot-Cut version - ready for immediate use!
Woven Sew-On Name Labels - Woven Labels Direct Our woven sew-on name labels allow for 1 first name (Christian name) 1 middle initial & 1 surname. Additional information. Quantity: 30 labels for $15.95, 50 labels for $25, 120 labels for $32.95. Motif: Motif 1, Motif 2, Motif 3, Motif 4, Motif 5. FAQ. Here is the custom FAQ content. Sew On 5/8″ Classic Woven Labels - It's Mine! Labels Handmade items for friends and family. Size: 5/8″ wide. The length varies depending on the number of characters (up to 20 per line—including spaces). Price: 100 labels = $44. Delivery Times for sew on labels: Product is shipped approximately 12 - 18 days from the time of order. Express Woven Name Tapes | Sew-on Woven Name Labels - easy2name.com Personalised sew-on woven name labels perfect for use in schools, nurseries and care homes to help keep track of uniform and clothes. 6 lettering colours and font styles to choose from Small quantities available £7.49 Design your labels Free shipping on orders over £20 Arrives within 7 working days Description Product Details Shipping Reviews The Australian Brand : Woven Sew-On Clothing Labels - Cash's Woven with your name and/or phone number up to 30 characters Can include both upper case letters and lower case letters A choice of desired background colours, font colours and fonts Long-lasting and durable Choice of 10mm or 14mm wide name labels Cash's name tapes are famous worldwide and are available in the following designs;
Sew on Woven Embroidered Name Tags from Name It Labels Sew On - Woven $49.00 (43 reviews) Write a Review To order NAMET IT personalised Sew On - Woven online now and get free shipping just fill in the details below and click add to cart. Description Sew-On Woven Labels - Made the traditional way. These lovely woven labels are suitable to hand sew or machine sew. They should last a lifetime. Personalised Sew-on Name Labels - Easy2name Sew on name labels are great for labelling nursery clothes as they cannot be picked off by littles ones with busy hands! Ours are easy to use, long lasting and ... 72 Woven Labels - CottonTrends 72 Woven Labels, Woven Name Tapes, Woven Sew-in Name Labels, High quality woven sewing or ironing on labels for kids clothing, school uniforms or ... Sew On Labels - Woven - Name It Labels Sew On Labels - Woven. $39.00. (3 reviews) Write a Review. To order NAMET IT personalized Sew On Labels - Woven online now and get free shipping just fill in the details below and click add to cart. Name for your label: (Required) Quantity: (Required) 50 for $39 100 for $59 150 for $69 200 for $79 400 for $119. Text colour: (Required)
Amazon.com: woven name labels 1-48 of 876 results for "woven name labels" Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. Label Weavers 72 Pre-Cut Sew-on Woven Name Tapes/Tags for School/Camp/Care Home 456 $19 95 Get it Fri, Oct 22 - Thu, Oct 28 FREE Shipping Label Weavers 72 Woven Sew-on Name Tapes/Tags for School/Camp/Care Home 1,113 $16 95
Sew In Name Labels For Clothes - Labels4Kids Personalised sew in name labels with sealed edges so they won't fray, ready to use. Ready cut and bagged for your convenience. These name labels will allow fast identification of misplaced clothing. Great sew on name labels for school or care home: 48mm x 8mm. No of labels in pack * Text Colour * Image (appears on the left of the name) *
Sew on Labels | Etsy So-Rite Name Sew in Labels Imprinted Woven Washable Labels Personalized with Names 6 Labels in Package *Elaine* and *Laurie* Ad by Redcurlzs Ad from shop Redcurlzs Redcurlzs From shop Redcurlzs. 5 out of 5 stars (894) $ 3.50. Add to Favorites 100 Custom Clothing Labels - Silky Satin with FREE cutting - Woven Edges, Fabric Labels, sew-in custom ...
Sew On Labels | Personalized Fabric Labels for Clothes | Fully Woven Sew On 1/2″ Woven ID Labels. Our 1/2″ wide, ID sew in labels are embroidered in a bold block font for easy identification and are great for labeling clothing, blankets, linens, and other valuable belongings. Avoid the Lost & Found with our elegant personalized labels for clothes. 1. Please Select Lettering Color *. View options.
Woven White Sew on | Name Labels | USA - Nursing Home Label Co Woven Wonders. Made on our traditional looms so of superior quality and finish. The label measures 0.4" or 1.0 cm width (Length according to the number of characters used) They take a little longer to produce, 14-18 business days, but it's worth it! All woven orders come with DHL Express shipping for only $10.95 once produced.
Nursing Home Clothing Labels | Buy Name Labels for Clothes in Nursing Homes Including Iron On ...
Woven Sew-on Name Tapes - Label Weavers Woven sew on name tapes are the original long lasting method of identifying clothing. Easily sewn into any garment, these name tags will allow fast identification of misplaced clothing. At 3/8 inch width, there is a great choice of colors, lettering styles, and motifs. The name tape length will be adjusted to the length of the name.

Cloth Tag Sew On Customized Design Brand Logo Tags 100% Polyester Woven Damask Labels - Buy ...
Personalized Woven Sewing Labels - Namemaker.com Personalized Woven Sewing Labels With Panache As an expert label maker since 1938, Name Maker understands the importance of having the perfect woven clothing labels for your projects. With a wide range of woven headings, icons and borders, our personalized woven sewing labels offer plenty of opportunities for customization.

Custom Clothing Labels Fabric Woven Labels Sew On Labels Garment Tags Excellent Quality Free ...
Pre-Cut Sew-on Name Tapes - Label Weavers Pre-Cut Woven Sew in Name Labels are the long lasting method of labeling clothing. Easily sewn into any garment, these name tapes will allow fast identification of misplaced clothing, and the high quality yarn used will not fade or run in any way! These Label are Hot-Cut for a no-fray edge, ready to sew-in or ideal for use with our Rivvits!
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